New settings have been added to the FreshKDS Cloud Integration settings:
Setup > Misc > nFocus/OnlineOrdering > ‘Include OOS in Validation Request’
.start-over-menu-nav-hidden {
display: block !important;
.startOver {
display: block !important;
.tokenex-iframe.form-control {
overflow: hidden;
height: 34px;
padding: 0px;
padding-left: 5px;
New Features/Improvements
Available at the Location level. Report includes:
Provides Menu Item and Modifier sales information, including:
System Updates
New Sales Recap Report - Created a new report available in OrderCloud. The Reports tab in OrderCloud now contains 2 options.
The Sales Recap report is only available at the Location level at this time but will be available at the Merchant Level in the near future.
Total Tax will also be separated from Total Sales in the next release.
Focus POS/Fees As Open Menu Items - Fees configured in OrderCloud can be sent to Focus POS as an Open Menu Item. The POS ID must be defined, and the setting ‘Open Item’ must be ON.
Square with External Payments POS Integration - Orders are marked as COMPLETED 6 minutes after the order successfully integrates into Square POS, giving Square enough time to successfully send the order to printers and KDS. This update does NOT impact the Square POS Integration.
ToGo Printer - 2 updates were made:
User Permissions - Fixed an issue where locations could not be removed from a user’s roles.
Delivery - Fixed an issue where the Apartment Number and Delivery Special Instructions were not pre-populated when the user changes the Delivery Address from the Cart or Checkout page.
Item Not Available - When ordering from the user’s order history, fixed an issue where a generic error message displayed when an item from the selected order was no longer available. A detailed error message now displays.
KDS and ToGo Printer - Fixed an issue where duplicate items were displaying on FreshKDS and on the ToGo Printer chits.
Future Day Orders/Charge Morning Of - Fixed an issue where the email sent the morning the order is due did not include gift card payment information.
Checkout Page Messages - Added messaging to the checkout process. The following messages will display:
New Features/Improvements
1. Square POS Integration with External Payments
2. Order Report
1. POSi Menu Sync
2. Surcharges and Merchant Delivery
3. ‘Charge Credit Card’ Button
1. Banner Message
2. ToGo Admin Active Status
3. ADA Updates
4. App Version Added to API Endpoint
5. GA4 Updates
6. TokenEx iFrame
7. Shift4 Marketplace
1. POSitouch Menu Import and Menu Sync - Importing and syncing menus on different price levels is now supported. The desired Price Level is defined on the POSitouch POS Integration page.
1. Square Gift Cards with Square POS Integration - Square Gift Cards with Square POS is now supported. some text
a. Select ‘SquareWithSquarePOS’
Special Instructions - Capital letters and special characters can now be entered in the Special Instructions field on the ordering site.
ToGo Admin access onlyCan configure a Start Date and End DateUTC Date is utilized
Format for including a clickable link in the Banner message (This is the same format as the Receipt Message on the Location Home page)[ Click here to go to link]
Added the ability to remove a saved Gift Card from a registered user’s account. Gift Cards can be removed from the Gift Card or the Checkout Page.Remove Gift Card CSS.
Made the font in OrderCloud darker so it is easier to read.
When Special Instructions are added to menu items, the ‘Comment Open Item Prod Number’ defined on the PixelPoint POS Integration page is used to send the Special Instructions to the POS.
In an effort to reduce the amount of time it takes for menus to load in OrderCloud , pagination was added to Modifier Groups and Sub-Modifier Groups. Search feature now exists when trying to find Modifier Groups.
Added the ability to search the Item Library by PLU. Users can now enter either the Menu Item name or PLU in the ‘Search Items’ text box of the Item Library.
Changed the contrast on the ‘Choose Date/Time’ calendar on the checkout page so it is easier to distinguish between available and non-available days. Available days are now white and unavailable days are gray with the selected day displaying with black background and white numbers.
Added the ability to define an External URL in OrderCloud for the ToGo App. The ToGo App will navigate the user to the URL defined. Specific version of the ToGo App is required. Available for Catering for Pickup and Catering for Delivery order types ONLY. CSS updates are required to navigate the website to a different Catering site/url.8. Digital Wallet - Apple Pay and Google Pay are now available as payment options on the website. Due to Apple Pay and Google Pay requirements, the Digital Wallet is not available as a payment method for future day orders that are charged the
Apple Pay and Google Pay are now available as payment options on the website. Due to Apple Pay and Google Pay requirements, the Digital Wallet is not available as a payment method for future day orders that are charged the morning the order is due. If you are interested in Apple Pay and/or Google Pay, please contact either the Onboarding or Sales team for more information.
Fixed an issue where the correct POS Integration ID was not always sent for Surcharges.
Fixed several issues with Holiday Hours
Fixed an issue on the checkout page where selecting the checkbox, ’Billing Address is the same as Delivery Address’, did not always populate all of the address fields.
Fixed an issue where 2 refund emails were sent when a refunded order contained a loyalty reward.
Removed ‘Reports’ from the Orders Only Limited user permissions.
Added the Latitude and Longitude settings to OrderCloud. These settings determine where the location’s pin displays on the Merchant’s Location picker map. Location Admin has access to these settings.
1. Order Recommendations based on User Order History - Added the ability to display an ‘Upsell’ prompt based on the signed in user’s order history.
2. RPower - Added Gift Card tender type to RPower. There is a new setting on the RPower POS Integration page to define a Gift Card Payment Method ID. When a Gift Card integration is defined, a corresponding Gift Card Payment Method ID needs to be defined on the POS Integration page. The Gift Card Payment Method ID is used when integrating orders into the RPower POS.
3. Promo Codes by Menu Item - Added the ability to define eligible items for promo codes.
4. Promo Codes by Order Type - Catering for Pickup and Catering for Delivery are now separated into 2 separate Order Types.
5.Northstar Fees - Fees are now sent to Northstar POS. ALL fees must be configured as an open menu item. The Northstar Menu External Code must be defined on the Northstar POS Integrations page.
The Northstar Menu Item External Code is defined in the POS ID field for each of the desired Fees on the Order Types page.
6. Menu Item Labels - Menu item Labels have been added to the Menu Item definition in OrderCloud. Labels defined in OrderCloud will display on the Menu Item card on the ordering site.
The predefined labels are:
1. GF - Gluten Free
2. V - Vegetarian
3. VG - Vegan
4. NF - Nut Free
5. PF - Peanut free
6. EF - Egg Free
7. SoF - Soy free
8. DF - Dairy Free
9. SF - Sugar free
10. O - Organic
11. K - Kosher
Merchant can add the label key in the Menu Item Footnote located on the Merchant Admin page
CSS can be updated to alter the display of the labels. menu-item-labels css class name can be configured using CSS on the Merchant Admin page.
7. Custom Tips - Added the Tip Options section to the Location Admin page. Company Admins, Merchant Admins and Location Admins all have access to these settings. Added the ability to define Tips as Fixed Dollar or Fixed Percentage
1. OrderCloud Menu Loading
User navigates through the Item Library, page by page.
2. ToGo Offers - Fixed an issue where Percentage Off ToGo Offers did not apply the correct amount off the order. The correct amount is now included in the payload when integrating with Brink POS.
3. Linga Tax - Fixed an issue where ToGo orders created a tax mismatch when orders integrated into Linga POS. Added the required tax fields on each item in the order integration payload.
4. Refund Email - Fixed an issue where a second refund email was sent to the customer when a Loyalty Reward/Reward Dollars were redeemed as payment on the order. We stopped the second email from being sent.
1. Updated User Permissions - Only ToGo Admins can create new companies, merchants and locations
2. Inactive Locations Report - On the Global > Reports page, ToGo Admins have the ability to run a report for Active Locations Without Orders in the past ‘X’ number of days.
3. Added GA4 datalayer updates.
4. Added State and Zip to the SaveAddress endpoint for the App.
New Features/Improvements
System Update
New Features/Improvements
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
1. Required At Checkout - This setting has always required ToGo Admin permissions. We updated the ‘Required At Checkout’ so Company Admins, Merchant Admins and Merchant Admin Limited users now have access to the setting.
2. Minimum Order Amount - We added the ability to define a minimum order amount for the Takeout, Curbside and Drive-Thru order types. The setting already existed for Catering for Pickup, Catering for Delivery and Delivery. Company Admins, Merchant Admins, Merchant Admins Limited, Location Admins and Location Managers have access to this field.
3. Instructions - Added the ability to define Instructions that display on the order confirmation page for the Catering for Pickup, Catering for Delivery, Delivery and Order From Table order types.
4. Brink Menu Sync Update - The Brink Menu Sync now adds new items to the correct Menu Section where previously they were added to the ‘New Items From POS’ Menu Section and had to be manually added to Menu Sections.
5. Customer Surcharge Label - Added the ability to define a custom label for Surcharges. The label displays in the cart, on the checkout page and on customer order confirmation email. Company Admins, Merchant Admins, Merchant Admins Limited and Location Admins have access to this field. NOTE: This label does not affect the Dasher Tip for DoorDash Drive orders.
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
This is the url for that link.
System Updates
A new column, Refund Reason, was added to the .csv file for exporting.
Linga POS Integration - Added a Comment field to the payload for the ‘Who Is This For’ field when integrating orders into Linga POS. The <Comment> will print as the last field in an item and delineated with a ‘*’.
Brink Direct POS Integration Menu Sync - Functionality was added to the Brink POS menu sync so the menu item name, menu item description and the modifier name are now updated with menu syncs.
Image url - Increased the number of characters allowed for the image url from 255 to 2047.
mParticle update - Added “discount_total” as a custom attribute of the purchase event.
OneDine - Fixed an issue where Linked Items were not importing or syncing correctly.
OneDine - Fixed an issue where Nested Modifiers were not included in the order integration payload.
OneDine - Fixed an issue where Convenience Fees and Surcharges configured as an open menu item (on non-Delivery Order Types) were not included in the order integration payload.
Core Commerce Credit Card Processing - Fixed an issue where partial refunds did not always successfully process if the batch was not settled in Core Commerce. This is an edge case because Core Commerce is configured to always auto settle at a time that is prior to the ToGo Refund Processor batch job running (9:00 UTC).
Updated the PhoneNumberUTil Library from version 8.9 to the newest version 8.13.
Removed all reference to Loggly logging.
Added a Menu Availability web endpoint for the App.
Updated the Global ‘Allowable IP Addresses’ to include credit card payments.
New Features/Improvements
Brink Direct POS Integration - Functionality was added to the ToGo - Brink POS integration
OneDine Integration - Updated the OneDine menu sync to sync the display name for menu items, modifier groups and modifiers.
DDD with Catering for Delivery - Fixed a bug where customers could place a Catering for Delivery DDD order with a Pickup time earlier than Open Time + Prep Time.
System Updates
Core Commerce Credit Card Processing - Update made to the Header in the capture request sent to Core Commerce.
New Features/Improvements
Hot Fixes
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
When ‘Apply Surcharge on Net Sales’ is ON, Surcharge calculation is ((subtotal-discount)*surcharge %).
When Apply Surcharge on Net Sales’ is OFF, Surcharge calculation is (subtotal*surcharge %).
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
System Updates
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
Below is the error message displayed:
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
The POS ID must be entered and the ‘Open Item’ toggle setting must be on.
Sending the Convenience Fee and Surcharge as an Open Menu Item works with AlohaMMS and nonMMS, MicrosMMS and nonMMS, BrinkMMS, POSitouch and RPower.
For RPower - Create menu items, Name = Surcharge or Name = Convenience Fee (the name is entered in the POS ID field)
Needs to be turned on for Square POS integrations.
Update Made: When the Charge Credit Card button is selected and the Loyalty or External Offer fail redemption, the process continues and the gift card/credit card is charged/captured.
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
Fields are still visible on the Checkout page. CSS updates are required in order to hide the fields.
What does this mean?
If a merchant has a ToGo Ion App, when the 2 settings are populated, they will automatically display in the App. The link (Marketing Link Text) will display at the bottom of the Home page and the top of every Menu page. CSS work needs to be completed in order for the link to display on the website.
The option displays on the ‘My Account’ page on both the website and App.
When a user selects the button, they will be prompted with a list of merchants the account is associated with. The user has the option to Cancel or Confirm. If they Cancel, their account is not deleted. If they Confirm, the user’s information is deleted from the ToGo database.
The option can be hidden on the website with CSS. It is recommended if the merchant uses an external SSO, that they hide the button.
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
Location Home page > Menus section > Menu Section UI
Has a new option: ‘Expanded with Horizontal Navigation.’
What does this mean?
Menu sections will display across the top of the page and the items,
separated into their menu section, will display down the page. This allows
the user to continuously scroll down the page to navigate to menu items or
they can still select the specific menu section and be automatically
navigated to that section.
NOTE: This will require additional CSS work to display correctly.
NOTE: Recommendation: Keep "Require Email in Guest Check-out" Checked
TOOL TIP: Leave 'Require Email in Guest Check-out' checked when 'Calculate Final Price from the POS' is also checked. This helps if pricing errors occur.
NOTE: Square does NOT support a max dollar amount with Percentage Off Discounts. Square will apply the percentage off to the entire order even if ToGo is configured with a max value resulting in a negative balance due in OrderCloud after the order integrates with Square.
System Updates
New Features/Improvements
We added a link out to the ToGo Technologies Knowledge Base articles.
The ‘Help Center’ link can be found in the OrderCloud banner for every page.
The required fields are the following fields:
NOTE: When performing a REFUND in OrderCloud, if the Core Commerce batch with that transaction hasn’t been settled yet, the Refund processes as a Void, If the batch has been settled, then it is processed and reported on the Core Commerce portal as a Refund.
We added the ability to have multiple brands on 1 ordering site. The menu will automatically sync for Omnivore MMS locations only. The Meal Period must be unique and configured to identify each Brand.
The setting ‘Show Section Brand Filter’ located on the Location Home page under the Menu section must be turned on
A menu containing multiple brands can be easily configured manually, using the settings above. It can also integrate into any supported POS as long as all items are present on one POS system. .
System Updates
* setting is on the Location Admin tab
* Available for Location Admin roles and higher
* Field is "Convenience Fee Label" (accepts up to 30 alphanumeric characters)
* Label Displayed in the cart, on the Checkout page and on the Order Confirmation Email
* 86 menue items
* view orders
* issue refund
* customerPhoneNumber = phone number (NEW)
* tableName = customer name (UPDATE)
* OrderPlacerID = order number (NEW)
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Feature - Use I’m Here link to release order on Omnivore Xpient integration
Feature - Email opt in for guest checkouts
Improvement - Vehicle information added to Omnivore Xpient and Brink integrations
Improvement - Customize message on the I’m Here confirmation page
Feature - Confirmation Email Styling
Feature - Nutritional Information
Feature - Separate Curbside Order Type
Feature - SpendGo Item Level Rewards
Improvement - Customize the Email Opt In Message
Improvement - I’m Here button now displays on the order confirmation page
Improvement - Promo Codes
Improvement - Inventory Report
Improvement - POSitouch Menu Sync
Improvement - ToGoOrder.Com Message on Customer Receipts
Bug Fixes
Feature - DoorDashDrive Integration
Feature - Text Message when Order Prints
Improvements - SpendGo Loyalty Integration
Improvement - Customer Receipt Email Customization
Improvement - Sales Email Reports
Bug Fixes
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